Unsung Heroes


What extraordinary times we live in! Challenging to be sure, but also filled with heartwarming scenes and selfless acts of service. Many of us are doing our part to help, while also applauding the sacrifice of others we gratefully refer to as heroes.

The stories are endless of food truck owners, delivery drivers, mail carriers, churches, businesses, homeowners, and celebrities finding ways to actively engage in good deeds and encourage others.

Those who have shown up face to face to battle this COVID19 virus: doctors, nurses, janitors, paramedics, firemen, policemen, and volunteers from every sector, serving the needy with free meals or groceries, have received deserving applause. Then there are the uplifting “Songs from Balconies”, cheering us on to hang in there, that are sure to become iconic highlights from the days of this global pandemic. At Mamala Media, one of our celebrity heroes of the day is John Krasinski who has created “Some Good News”, a series known as SGN on YouTube. If you haven’t watched it yet, it’s a must see.

But if there was ever a group of overlooked heroes these days, it’s parents. Moms and Dads, who suddenly found themselves doing life surrounded by their little ones all day & night, have become instant first responders. Families have been thrown into search and rescue mode for innovative ways to meet everyone’s needs in the middle of complete disruption. For many, adjustments had to be made to work from home while also helping kids with school at home. With childcare and babysitters unavailable, households with two working parents have had to be especially patient and creative, to say the least!

Having raised my own children while also being a working mom, I can imagine the scramble and strategy that has taken place and is still ongoing.

Parents are the unsung heroes, not only of the day, but of our times.

In many ways, parents are everyday heroes who deserve to be celebrated, and not only during turbulent times. From the minute we journey into the land of parenthood our hearts are filled with a new kind of love. We are hit with the realization that our children are precious beings who we are especially responsible for during their most formative years. Loving our children with time and affection, working to keep them healthy and safe, encouraging them in their school work and activities, learning how to properly discipline and teach them the value of being responsible citizens, all while juggling both work and family, is already more than enough for parents to handle. I’m exhausted just thinking about it!

With Mother’s Day on the horizon and Father’s Day just around the corner, I celebrate parenting with you.

What I can happily report are the hundreds if not thousands of life-giving ways parents have helped their children cope through this crisis. There’s everything from making hand-washing fun, to dressing up and dancing with Dad for a virtual prom night. Kids have been delighted to discover that Mom and Dad can sing and dance in the kitchen while cooking a delicious dinner at the same time! Family walks and bike rides are now a regular part of the day. There are also a lot more calls to check in on friends and family members. It’s been fun, (or perhaps challenging), teaching Grandma and Grandpa how to use Zoom. Families are spending more time crafting and learning new skills together. Others have created signs to hang in their window that say “We Love Our Neighbors.” There have been more bedtime stories than ever with some of the best ones made up by Mom and Dad. The list goes on and on as proof that God is using this time to transform and shape hearts around the globe.

It is not lost on God that things of true value have been lost in this world.

These heartwarming stories of kindness, creativity, and self-control in trying circumstances, are helping to shape the character of children during their early development in the best of ways.

So take heart!

The examples set by loving parents, even in the midst of loss and uncertainty, bodes well for our future. The world can pray and believe that our children will grow up through this crisis emulating the wonderful examples of selflessness set by their parents.

I believe Mother’s Day and Father’s Day 2020 will take on a deeper significance than usual this year. I encourage you to find ways to honor the heroes closest to you at home, and applaud the deserving, unsung heroes of the day!  

“I’ve told you all this so that trusting in Me, you will be unshakeable and assured, deeply at peace.  In this world you will continue to experience difficulties.  But take heart!  I’ve conquered the world.” - John 16:33 ~ The Message

Cassie Byram